Let’s Interpret currently has 32 members – all bilingual or multilingual women living in Cardiff who have successfully completed a level 3 course in Public Service Interpretation, as well as numerous other continuous professional development courses. Our members are a diverse group of women, with fantastic linguistic skills, who together speak more than 20 languages.
The Let’s Interpret project coordinator is Michele Aitchison and the group mentor is Zora Jackman – tutor of the public service interpretation courses at Cardiff University.
“I have known Let’s Interpret members from their very first encounter with interpreter training in their local community. They became motivated to keep on developing their skills with more courses, workshops and webinars. Every one of them understands that interpreting and translation is not just about the language, but also about communication skills, business skills, professional boundaries, confidentiality and safeguarding, impartiality and dealing with emotional impact, to name just a few. They never fail to inspire me with their energy, enthusiasm and determination
– Zora Jackman, Public Service Interpretation tutor